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Imagine going up in front of your Sunday school class and telling a story of a miracle being performed in the bible then being able to illustrate that with a modern day illusion. Recreating the events from the past and making it more than just a story and then end by saying this is only an illusion and only God can perform miracles. This lesson will soon not be forgotten.

This is what I wanted to create with this Illusion kit. Five stories of miracles from the bible and recreating them using illusion to make them more memorable and to have a more lasting impression.

This is my way of making the learning of bible stories fun and entertaining instead of dull and possibly boring as in the way I have heard stories in the past read in a monotone, sleep inducing voice.

Each kit is hand made and comes complete with bible stories, picture illustrations, and the necessary props to help accomplish the illusions.

In this kit you will learn 5 stories and illusions that include: water to wine (non alcoholic version), loaves & fishes, sweetened the waters, parting the sea, stick to serpent.

Miracles of the Bible


    © 2023 by Wes Iseli 

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